Надія Табакова психотерапевтка

Nadia Tabakova

$120 */ 60 Minutes

English-speaking therapist.

Psychotherapist, accredited EMCC coach, mother of three children, business owner. Conducting private therapy practice since 2008. The main approach is gestalt therapy.

The peculiarity of Nadia's approach lies in her ability to delve into deep exploration of oneself, one's life strategies, and processing traumas with the client. Through such exploration, gradual achievement of lasting changes in the client's life and personality occurs.

Works with all common therapeutic topics. As a coach, works with leaders striving for sustainable positive changes, and with individuals interested in working on their personal and professional growth. Nadia focuses on what is important specifically for each client, enabling them to get the best out of their personality, situation, and environment. One of the central aspects of Nadia's work is helping to find balance between personal and professional life, and building mature partnership relationships.


Выражаю свою глубочайшую благодарность моему терапевту Наде за ее профессионализм. Для меня Надя - это редчайшее сочетание профессионализма, личностной зрелости, выражающейся в готовности встретиться с клиентом в той точке, где он находится - будь то горе, детская травма, отчаяние, токсичные отношения, и строить диалог без избегания пугающих клиента тем. Я была в длительной терапии с Надей и самым ценным результатом для меня является возможность действовать самостоятельно и осмысленно, прекрасно понимая себя и свои потребности. Я приобрела внутреннюю опору, которую строила совместно с Надей на сессиях. Действительно, все то море поддержки, внимания и веры в мою личность, которую дала мне Надя - теперь стали моим внутренним ресурсом. Но не только то, о чем мы говорили с Надей на сессиях было для меня жизнеизменяющим, а сами отношения между мной и Надей, как я могла раскрываться в них и проживать самые разные чувства, быть поддержанной со смешанными чувствами. Надина зрелость, устойчивость и разноплановость, многогранность тем, обсуждение которых с Надей возможно - раскрывало и во мне новые грани и возможности нового взаимодействия с людьми. Я получила новое видение своего профессионального развития, ещё больше гармонизировала семейные отношения, завершила незавершенные отношения, за что огромная благодарность Наде! И сейчас со мной гораздо большая внутренняя самоподдержка, ясный осмысленный взгляд на свой жизненный путь, много позитива и счастья от мыслей о дальнейшем развитии разных сфер моей жизни! Надюша, спасибо огромное, встреча с тобой была прекрасным и важным событием моей жизни! :) вспоминаю наши сессии... они со мной!!! :)))


Развод, желание умереть и безнадежность- с этим я пришла к Наде. Сразу заявила ты со мной пожёстче, я хочу перемен. Пожёстче не было, было много любви сострадания и тепла. Я и не знала, что мне именно это было нужно. А ещё возможность рассказать все: всю боль и стыд и то что жить ну совсем не хочется, потому что меня просто нет. То есть была оболочка с маской у меня все хорошо. Мы вместе уже полтора года. Что дала мне терапия? Да прежде всего я нашла саму себя. Разрешила себе Быть: не идеальной, капризной да просто человеком, наверное это самое главное приобретение. А ещё я радуюсь каждому дню и это очень не обычный опыт для меня. Мои друзья говорят: ты сильная, ты бы и так справилась, наверняка чёрная полоса моей жизни прошла бы когда-то. Но опыт познания себя который я обрела с Надей бесценен. Я благодарна Богу который посла в мою жизнь ангела под именем Надежда. Ты оправдываешь своё имя.


Работа с Надей - мой первый опыт психотерапии и индивидуальной работы. Признаюсь, сначала я была настроена скептически, иногда я даже думаю, что психические отклонения - выдуманные проблемы, а одной болтовней много не нарешаешь :))
И вот прошло два месяца нашей работы, я кардинально изменила свое отношение во всех плоскостях. Во-первых, терапия с Надей - это очень эффективно. Я не всегда сразу понимаю, к чему она меня ведет и зачем задает такие странные вопросы, но когда до меня наконец доходит, то как будто холодным душем окатывает осознание, что "ааа, вот оно что, так если так не делать, можно же сколько сэкономить сил". Не очень холодным душем, а такой приятной прохладности :)
Во-вторых, терапия - это приятно. Я буквально получаю целую кучу ресурса благодаря нашим копаниям, во время и между сессиями. И часть от этого ресурса мне дает сама Надя (не знаю, добровольно ли :))
В-третьих, терапия - это очень интересно. Никто и никогда не снимет кино, настолько же интересное, как разгребание собственных эмоциональных завалов, которые отбирают время и жизненные силы. Особенно, когда разгребание эффективное и приятное благодаря Наде :)
Сейчас я предвкушаю, что же будет дальше в нашем трагикомичном романтическом триллере, с нетерпением. Думаю, что через год я стану вообще другим человеком, но посмотрим :) В любом случае, Наде уже огромное спасибо за то, что мы с ней смогли :)
Areas of expertise
Grieving and loss, Loneliness, Self-esteem, Relationship crisis, Purpose and meaning, Adaptation to change, Relationship with children, Career choices, Psychosomatics, Sexuality, Divorce
Approaches and methods
Gestalt therapy
Individual counselling
Русский , English
Certificates and diplomas
Terms and conditions

Client's rights and obligations in therapy

Before you start working with a therapist, read the main rules of the psychotherapy contract. It will help you learn more about your rights and avoid misunderstandings.

A therapeutic relationship is a professional relationship.

  • The therapist-client relationship is professional, and its primary purpose is to support the client in his change.
  • The therapist is responsible for the organisation of the therapeutic space, its reliability, and confidentiality. The therapist is responsible for the quality of their professional services. The therapist acts in the client's interests and considers them a top priority.
  • The therapist is responsible for maintaining professional boundaries and acting under professional ethics. The therapist does not provide any other services to the client, except consulting, and does not receive any services from the client.
  • The therapist does not communicate with the client outside the therapy sessions (except when discussing the schedule). The therapist does not start a friendship, work, or romantic relationship with a client during therapy and for several years after its ending.
  • Both therapist and client agree not to engage in extraneous activities during the session, not look at phones, or be distracted by messages or calls.
  • It is helpful for the client to get involved as much as possible in the exercises and the discussion. At the same time, the client can interrupt the therapist, not answer any questions, or refuse the activity.

Don't make big decisions impacted by strong feelings during therapy.

  • You may experience intense anger, irritation, sadness, helplessness, or guilt in therapy. The intensity of the experience can push you to various decisions and actions, but more often than not, such steps are premature or wrong. Do not make critical decisions based on the wave of emotions that have arisen during therapy.
  • The therapist is responsible for maintaining mindfulness during the session and communicating his observations, opinions, and hypotheses to the client. At the same time, the client is responsible for the conclusions, decisions, and actions that the client takes based on what was said.

Difficulties in therapy are often a natural part of the process.

  • The counsellor cannot be fully responsible for each client's experience or guarantee that the therapy will not be associated with difficult experiences and unpleasant emotions. Working with a therapist can have good results for people who continue to attend therapy despite complicated feelings.
  • Your sense of your progress is valuable information for the therapy process. If you are unhappy with the way your work is progressing, first of all, discuss it with your therapist. Complexity or a sense of deadlock can indicate hidden opportunities, inaccurately formulated objectives, or a poorly chosen strategy.

Never drink alcohol before a session.

  • The client is forbidden to come to counselling in alcoholic intoxication or under the influence of drugs or strong sedatives, except when the physician prescribes the constant intake of sedatives. Therapy in an altered state of consciousness is not safe for the client.
  • Caffeine, nicotine, or nootropics are not prohibited during therapy since they do not lead to an altered state of consciousness.

Confidentiality is an essential part of counselling.

  • The therapist does not have the right to disclose your identity to anyone and under any circumstances (except in situations prescribed by law: for example, if it is reliably known that you are in mortal danger).
  • When a therapist takes supervision *, your real name is not used, and the circumstances of your situation are often changed so that you cannot be recognized. (* Supervision is the analysis of psychotherapeutic practice cases in a professional circle of therapists - in a group or individually.)
  • You have all the right to use a fake name when working with a therapist.
  • The client may refuse to answer specific questions of the therapist but is obliged to provide him with truthful information about his psychiatric diagnoses, chemical addictions, and attempts at suicide if any of these occurred within the last five years.
  • Neither the therapist nor the client has the right to video or audio record the session without informing in advance and without obtaining the other party's consent.
  • During the consultation, the therapist organises the space so no one can accidentally overhear what is being said. The client agrees to do the same. If someone on the client side can hear the session, the client should immediately communicate it.

Sessions are usually held once a week.

  • Most often, sessions occur once a week at a time agreed upon by the counselor and the client. Meetings can occur more frequently if necessary.
  • The therapist assigns a specific time to the client and doesn't occupy it with other clients unless the client cancels the appointment.
  • The session (meeting) lasts 60 minutes.
  • Changes in payment, time, frequency of meetings, and work format are negotiated separately.
  • If you have a question about the therapy process that is not directly related to the schedule and payment, wait for the next consultation and ask your therapist.
  • If you are in an acute crisis, write to the therapist and arrange for an additional session.

Please, cancel your session at least one day before the start.

  • The client tries to attend sessions and be on time. If the client is late, the session end time does not shift. (For example, if a client is late for a one-hour session scheduled for 9 am, it will still end at 10 am regardless of the late time.)
  • You can cancel a session a day before the appointed time or earlier.
  • If you notify your therapist about your session cancellation less than 24 hours before the start, you'll be charged the total cost of the session.
  • To cancel or reschedule a session or make an additional appointment, use the messages inside the Treatfield platform. Please, do not use phone calls or other messengers.
  • If you miss a session due to force majeure (e.g., a car accident), you are not required to pay for the missed appointment. Such cases are resolved individually.

The therapist can change the consultation price but must notify at least one month before the change.

  • The client must pay for consultations on time at a price indicated on the Treatfield platform. The next session is paid before its start time, and the funds are held by the platform and are finally withdrawn after the session has taken place.
  • If your financial situation changes dramatically, please discuss it with your therapist. In some cases, the price may be temporarily reduced.
  • The therapist can increase the cost of his consultations but must communicate it at least one month in advance so that you can discuss new terms.

You can end therapy when you see fit.

  • As a rule, therapy ends with the mutual consent of the therapist and the client. Nevertheless, the client can terminate the therapy on his initiative without additional conditions.
  • The therapist may suggest one or more wrap-up sessions. The wrap-up meetings are extremely useful from the point of view of the therapeutic process, but the client has the right to refuse.
  • The confidentiality rule applies not only during therapy but also after its end.
  • Typically, a spontaneous desire to end therapy immediately indicates complex emotions related to change and is often part of the normal psychotherapy process. Discuss your concerns with the therapist before making a decision.

If you have any doubts, we are ready to help.

  • Discuss the situation directly with your therapist if you believe the therapist violated professional ethics. If the conflict is not settled on this, feel free to contact us at [email protected]

You agree to the rules mentioned above by starting counselling with a therapist. If you have any questions, ask your therapist or write us via [email protected]

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